Durante el mes de marzo, DAESH ha intensificado su actividad en Siria e Iraq, especialmente en Siria (ha pasado a realizar 57 ataques en un mes frente los 13 que ejecutó en el mes de marzo). En Iraq, DAESH se aprovecha de la desestabilización política y social del país y continúa las afrentas en zonas clave como Fallujah, Kirkut o Bajii; mientras que en Siria, el grupo se está agarrando al territorio amenazado en la región, se aprovecha de los lugares más vulnerables –como los campamentos de refugiados junto a la frontera turca- e insiste en recuperar esos puntos estratégicos perdidos durante los meses anteriores que le aseguran legitimidad entre los suyos y su propia estabilidad interna, como Deir Ezzor, Hama, Damasco, Aleppo, Palmira… en donde también colisiona con las unidades más preparadas de AlQaeda (Al-Nusra), quien ha reforzado su posicionamiento especialmente en ese país. No obstante, comparado con el mes anterior, Al Qaeda ha reducido su actividad, centrándola mayoritariamente en Siria e Iraq también, como si respondiera a los movimientos de necesidad y fortaleza de su rival –porque de hecho también ha empezado a hacerse notar en Bangladesh a la par que DAESH-.
En conclusión, podríamos decir que DAESH parece querer recuperar su posicionamiento en la zona fundamental de su califato: Siria e Iraq, donde ha descuidado sus fuerzas durante los últimos meses, bastiones que realmente legitiman la idea de Estado Islámico y que da fortaleza a su expansión global. Los golpes sufridos en esas zonas han supuesto pérdidas de moral y de unidades –muchos han abandonado el grupo-, pero tampoco han dejado de buscar lugares donde afianzarse y obtener más combatientes y financiación.
It is interesting to detect an increased activity in North Africa (although DAESH has forgotten Tunisia this month, for the moment, due to the intense defense of the country at the border); they have increased their attacks in the disputed Benghazi in Libya and they have defended their positions on Mount Sinai in Egypt, where Al Qaeda has begun to increase their attacks too. DAESH is also instigating the Turkish border in the Caucasus, Afghanistan and Yemen, as the last month, although its authority is not very recognized as other legitimated terrorist groups in these areas. However, we should mention the creation of a new emirate in Asia: Bangladesh, which reaffirms their need of alliances between smaller jihadist groups who also need a reputation -as happened in the Philippines too-; Asia is an appetizing territory to do that.
The DAESH military operations have increased significantly due to its needs in Syria and Iraq, as it was mentioned before. It seems that during this month they have strengthened their tactical moves and have reduced the number of their failed battles and losses, recovering key areas and areas of Aleppo, Homs, Deir Ezzor …
In conclusion, we could say that DAESH seems to want regain its position in the critical area of his Caliphate: Syria and Iraq, where it has neglected his forces in recent months. These two countries are bastions which really legitimize the idea of an Islamic State and that gives strength to its global expansion. The blows suffered in these areas have resulted in losses of moral and units -so many soldiers have left the group-, but the group have not stopped its need for places to expand where it could obtain more fighters and funding.
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