Monthly report
- INFORME PRINCIPAL/ Main report – Crisis in the East: The Gulf countries break their relationship with Qatar
OTAN: MONTENEGRO Y NUEVA PERSPECTIVA CONTRA EL TERRORISMO/ NATO: Montenegro and a new perspective against terrorism
5 AÑOS DIFÍCILES PARA REINO UNIDO/ 5 difficult years for the UK
ASENTAMIENTO TERRORISTA EN EL SUR DE FILIPINAS/ Terrorist settlement in the South of the Philippines
LOS ÚLTIMOS DE MOSUL Y RAQQA, LEJOS DEL DESAFÍO DE IRAQ Y SIRIA/ The last of Mosul and Raqqa, far from the challenge in Syria and Iraq
MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN, HEREDERO DEL REINO SAUDÍ/ Mohammed Bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne
- PERSONA DEL MES/ Person of the month
- IMÁGENES DEL MES/ Pictures of the month
- ALERTAS DEL MES/ Monthly Alerts
- PRINCIPALES FRENTES EN SIRIA/ Main frontlines in Syria