HAMÁS GOLPEA DE NUEVO/ Hamas hits again

Tipos de Qassam Después de los Acuerdos de Oslo en 1993, tanto Gaza como Cisjordana empezaron a ser independientes políticamente de Israel, ya que ello suponía el final de la ocupación militar. Sin embargo, Israel seguiría manteniendo el control de las fronteras internacionales así como la seguridad de los asentamientos israelíes en territorio palestino. En 2005 el ejército israelí abandonó Gaza y la organización Hamas, considerada por algunos estados una organización terrorista, se hizo con el Gobierno en Gaza un año después, con una mayoría aplastante. Desde 1987, cuando fue creada, Hamas había estado luchando contra Israel. Ahora han pasado diez años desde que Hamas tomase el poder y casi treinta atacando a Israel en un conflicto al que nadie sabe poner solución.

Otro ataque tuvo lugar el pasado viernes, casi tres meses después del último ataque con cohetes, cuando otros cuatro fueron lanzados desde Gaza. No ocasionaron ningún daño ya que cayeron en campos sitiados cerca de la frontera. A la mañana del Sábado, Israel respondía bombardeando cuatro objetivos de Hamas, matando a dos niños pequeños. El Presidente israelí Netanyahu afirmó que ningún tipo de ataque sería tolerado. Esta forma de lucha mediante lanzamiento de cohetes ha sido empleada por Hamas desde 2001. Desde entonces, los lanzamientos no se han interrumpido salvo en ocasiones.

Aunque ello pueda parecer demasiado, lo cierto es que el poder de Hamas ha ido aumentando con el tiempo. Actualmente Hamas posee más de 140.000 cohetes Qassam. Si bien es cierto que éste tipo de cohetes no son muy precisos, su función es más bien la de causar terror entre la población. No obstante, Hamas posee cohetes de mayor poder y mayor alcance, pudiendo alcanzar algunos la totalidad del territorio de Israel. Además, tanto táctica como operacionalmente, su capacidad es mucho mayor de lo que era.

Conseguir el poder político no puede ser considerado como la única causa de ésta capacidad, ya que principalmente se debe al dinero que reciben desde el exterior, ya sea por parte de donantes palestinos o de países como Irán o Arabia Saudí, entre otros varios. Junto a ello, Hamas tiene un apoyo popular bastante grande, en buena parte debido a que gran parte del dinero se destina a caridad.

No hay que olvidar que, aún creciendo como organización y poseyendo una financiación y apoyo notables, la estrategia de Hamas hoy en día no puede basarse sino en el miedo y, la mayor parte de los recursos que tiene, cohetes Qassam entre ellos, no son tan usados para matar como para aterrorizar. Esta estrategia les permite atacar a Israel de una forma en la que Israel no puede devolvérselo: el miedo.

Afterwards Oslo agreements in 1993, Gaza and Cisjordania began to be politically independent from Israel as military occupation from it was over. However, Israel would be in charge of keeping security at international borders as well as looking after israel settlements in Palestine. In 2005 Israel army left Gaza and political and by some countries terrorist organization Hamas took control as it won elections a year after. Since 1987, when it was born, Hamas had been fighting Israel. Now it´s been ten years that Hamas became Gaza´s government, which is almost thirty years fighting Israel in what is a conflict nobody can find solution to it.

Another attack took place last Friday, almost three months since last one, when four Qassam rockets were fired from Gaza falling into Israel territory close to border causing any harm. Even so, Israel response was bombing four Hamas targets in Gaza some hours later on Saturday morning, arguing President Netanyahu that they would not allow any attack. Two children were killed by Israeli air strike. This way of fighting have been used for so long as Hamas started firing rockets at 2001. Since then rocket launching has not stopped.

But not just Hamas or other organizations such as Islamic Yihad are fighting Israel. Palestinians are also pushed to attack Israel so, alongside that way, there is another two way to attack israel people for those who are not Hamas and do not have military power. The first one is throwing stones to soldiers at Green Line check points, which became famous at first intifada. The second one consist of stabbing israel people suddently so they can not realize which is something relatively new as it started some months ago under what it was called Third Intifada.

Even when all these ways seems not to be so harmful and even when Israel incursions stops them, Hamas military capability is growing. Actually, Hamas is in hold of more than 140.000 rockets. Although Qassam rockets are not so much accurate, so they are not produced to kill people but to scare them, they are in hold of more powerful rockets capable to reach all Israel. Moreover, tactically and operationally, its capacity is far bigger than it used to be in the past.

Achieving political power can not be considered as the only thing which gave them that capacity. Mainly, it is due to money they receive from outside that Hamas is well prepared. Palestinians living abroad or countries such as Iran or Saudi Arabia are main sources of money, but not the only ones. Alongside these ones, Hamas has huge population support as so much of the money they got goes to social work, helping people in need, delivering food or giving shelter.

Anyway, even when getting stronger and having internal and external support, it is important to say Hamas strategy nowadays is mainly based on scaring Israel people and, the majority of they have got and they use, like non accurate rockets, are not used to kill but to scare. Scaring people lets them attack Israel in a way Israel is not giving back no matter how many more people Israel attacks kill and it also ensures Israel is not destroying them totally.


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