AFRICA MAIN ANALYSIS DESINFORMACIÓN Y CONFUSIÓN SOBRE EL TELURIO DE CANARIAS Main ethnic clashes in the Sahel Morocco opts for the Sunni axis Protest, political violence and terrorism in the North of Morocco Libya without Haftar, analysis of the scenarios Fishing agreement between the EU and Morocco Climate change’s impact in Mauritania The conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia for the Nile waters MAIN INFOGRAPHICS El pase de diapositivas requiere JavaScript. 2017 MAIN ANALYSIS Djibuti, China’s entrance to Africa Clash of strategies in Africa: USA versus China Improvement of relations between Egypt and Hamas Jihadist threat in the Sahel-Magreb Terrorist coalition in the Sahel G5 Sahel Force: Threats and opportunities of the new security force The third Congo’s war African Fulani and mortality MAIN INFOGRAPHICS Comparte: Twitter Facebook Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando...