AMERICA VENEZUELA MIRA HACIA LA TRANSICIÓN POLÍTICA/ Venezuela looks towards the political transition 70 ANIVERSARIO DE LA OTAN: DIRECCIÓN ESTRATÉGICA/ 70 NATO Anniversary: Strategic Direction 2018 MAIN ANALYSIS ARCO MINERO DE ORINOCO, ALTERNATIVA AL PETRÓLEO VENEZOLANO/ Orinoco Mining Arch, economic alternative to the Venezuela’s oil Nicaragua, folloging the footstepts of Venezuela China’s growing influence in Latin America Security challenges in Mexico Scenarios of the future of Venezuela 2017 MAIN ANALYSIS The isolationist politic of Trump The decisive week for Venezuela Situation in Venezuela, towards a civil war Strategic analysis of the peace in Colombia Violence and insecurity in Mexico Pulse of influence and power in the red lines of the US Terror in Brazil’s prisons Trump’s foreign policy – SWOT analysis MAIN INFOGRAPHICS El pase de diapositivas requiere JavaScript. Comparte: Twitter Facebook Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando...