MIDDLE EAST MAIN ANALYSIS OPERACIÓN KAYLA MUELLER CONTRA AL BAGHDADI. EL COMBATE DE LA NARRATIVA/ Kayla Mueller’s Operation against Al Baghdadi. The combat of the narrative OPERACIÓN PAZ DE PRIMAVERA TURCA CONTRA LOS KURDOS E IMPLICACIONES ESTRATÉGICAS/ Turkish Peace Spring Operation against the kurds & strategic implications 14S SAUDÍ, ATAQUE CONTRA EMPRESA PETROLERA ARAMCO/ Saudi 14S, attack on the oil company ARAMCO ESCENARIO DE UNA SAFE ZONE TURCA EN EL NORTE DE SIRIA/ Scenario of a Turkish safe zone in the North of Syria RETOS ESTRATÉGICOS DE IRÁN, 40 AÑOS DESPUÉS DE LA REVOLUCIÓN/ Strategic Challenges of Iran, 40 years after the revolution 2018 MAIN ANALYSIS Sadr’s victory: Political direction of Iraq From black to White Flags: ISIS 2.0 in Iraq 7 years of conflict in Syria, evolution of interests The Iranian protests bring to light the problems of the regime MAIN INFOGRAPHICS El pase de diapositivas requiere JavaScript. 2017 MAIN ANALYSIS Robust winds for the Middle East Strategic analysis of Iraq’s stability: The Kirkuk’s crisis Protests increase in Saudi Arabia Implications of the fall of Deir Ezzour Mohammed Bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne Qatar crisis with the Gulf States Strategy on the relation between Saudi Arabia-USA Two years of conflict in Yemen MAIN INFOGRAPHICS Comparte: Twitter Facebook Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando...